Internet Banner Advertising: Low Cost Lead Generation Method

Internet banner advertising has become a great tool in saving a bunch of money while reaching beyond your normal territories. Well placed banner advertisements have been a staple of the World Wide Web for years now. Banner advertising has played an important role in marketing over the years, and a lot of successful companies have leveraged cheap internet banner advertising solutions. Whether you buy advertisements on other sites or host them on your own, it’s important to know the difference between the two options. Most people don’t.

Don’t Just Buy Banner Advertising… Track It!

After purchasing your inexpensive banner advertisements, do you just want to stare at your computer waiting for the public to notice you? Do you want to allow your company to get crushed by the marketing strategies of another company? Does it mean that you won’t do anything further for advertising because your banner ads were such a great deal? You shouldn’t settle for less than stellar results from the money spent. You really should track your campaigns, and figure out which banners are actually converting into sales. Don’t rest on your laurels… take action! I highly recommend keeping a ledger on Google docs that you can record how many leads come from each source.

Online Banner Advertising Suggestions

The following suggestions will assist you in pulling your game together and I will make sure you maximise the results of your investment in low cost banner ads. There will always be a steady flow of traffic on your website if you follow these simple instructions. First, your title and topic should be given a lot of thought in order to capture your target audience’s attention.

Your goal is to attract people in a such way that they would believe that your cheap internet banner advertising is not a waste of their time. Something that provokes them to click and learn more. Meeting the audience’s needs is the primary requirement to the success of your advertisement. If you appeal to people’s curiosity, you will convince them to pay attention to your internet banner advertising. Present your products, services and convincing words to lead your target audience to decide in your favor.

Stoke their interest to learn more! You should be capable of arranging words on your advertisements in such a way that it interests the target audience, creating a feeling that you are talking to them directly and giving a sense of understanding your services. If not, then you need to take the time to test what works over several banner ad runs.

People will value and seriously consider your business proposal when you persuade them through a carefully crafted online banner ad. By directing them to take action via the advertisement you will increase your rate of clicks and sales. In this case your cheap internet-based banner advertising will serve as one of the ads searched for online, prior to the sale being made. You want your ad to reach that status!

Buy Banner Advertising Frequently!

Do not hesitate to submit your ads to the worldwide community, constantly getting them familiar with you and your services. You will build a loyal following before you know it! Always keep in mind that a website’s existence doesn’t mean it sells products all by itself.

Your most important task is to complement your website with supporting marketing strategies. You will save a lot of time and money as well as achieve more sales by buying well placed banner ads. Banner ads are great because they can be purchased for a cheap price in comparison to more traditional forms of advertising.

How to Be Successful With Banner Advertising!

Banner advertising is a great way to advertise your business, product or service. If done well, it can be quite profitable. There are several steps you should follow if you are considering using banner advertising as a method of marketing for your business. I will be taking you step by step on how to set up your banner advertising campaign. How to be successful with banner advertising? Alright let’s get busy…

Banner advertising, what is it? A “web banner” or “banner ad” is a form of advertising on the Internet. This form of online advertising entails embedding an advertisement into a web page. It is intended to attract traffic to a website by linking to the website of the advertiser. The advertisement is constructed from an image (GIF, JPEG, PNG), JavaScript program or multimedia object employing technologies such as Java, Shockwave or Flash, often employing animation, sound, or video to maximize presence. Images are usually in a high-aspect ratio shape (i.e. either wide and short, or tall and narrow) hence the reference to banners. These images are usually placed on web pages that have interesting content, such as a newspaper article or an opinion piece.

Setting up a banner advertising campaign is not difficult. 3 hours at first to set up for the first few times but will get easier and shorter as you get more experience. There is minimal maintenance once your campaign is started. Your results will get better with time This is very similar to television advertising where advertisers know that it take on average for a potential customer to see your add 3 to 7 times before they take action.

It is important that you know how banner advertising works. Learn the terminology…

Impression: Each time your banner ad loads on a website, this is considered an “impression.”
Click: Each time someone clicks on your actual banner; this is counted as a “click.”
Conversions: When someone fills out the form on your website, this is considered a “conversion” (or lead).

CPM – Cost Per Thousand: This is a method of measuring how much you will pay for a banner ad. Often times you are charged “on a CPM basic” which means you are charged for every thousand impressions. A “$2 CPM” means you pay $2.00 for every thousand impressions your banner ad receives. Be wary of sites that charge more than $4 to $5 CPM for banner ad placements. $2.00-$2.50 is ideal, but we’ve seen sites out there charging up to $15 CPM, which is very high.

CPA – Cost Per Action: This is a method of measuring how much you will pay for a banner ad, based on the actions taking. An action can be considered a click, or it can be considered a conversion. If a website offers banner advertising on a “CPA basis” this means you only pay when someone actually clicks on your ad (as opposed to impressions).

CTR – Click through Rate: This is the ratio of impressions to clicks. For example, if there are 1000 impressions (or page views) on a website and 10 people click on the banner ad, that would be a CTR of 1%.

Cost per Conversion: How much it costs you to get one lead. If you spend $30 and you received 8 leads, than your cost per conversion is $3.75.

Cost Per Action – If your specified action is a “click,” and you spent $30 to get 100 clicks, than your cost per action, or cost per click, would be $0.33.

Publisher: These are the websites that accept advertising on their site.

Advertiser: The individual or company placing the banner advertisement (you).

A few tips to keep in mind. Always make sure your ad is above the fold. What this means is people don’t have to scroll down on the website to see you add. Some website will try to take advantage to new entrepreneurs and will charge you $3-$15 per 1000 impression. Never pay more than $2 per 1000 impressions especially when you are new. You want to be able to see which one of your ad works and which one doesn’t without investing too much money.

3 steps to your banner research:

Step One: Understanding How Websites Make Money: Closely examine the websites you look at to decipher if they’re selling advertising space (i.e. banner advertisements, text advertisements, Google’s AdSense ads, etc.), selling a product or service, or a combination of the two.

Step Two: Create a List of Websites to Research

1. What Sites Do I Visit? Start by looking at websites and blogs you personally visit.

2. Choose a Target Market: This can be anything… teachers, motorcycle enthusiasts, college football fans, investors, entrepreneurs, small business owners, dancers, golfers, etc.

Step Three: Research Websites

1. Go to and type in the URL of the website you’re researching. You can find a wealth of research on websites on Alexa. Specifically, however, you are looking for the overall traffic rank as well as traffic rank by country, related links (you can get ideas for other websites to research here) and keywords (it’s helpful to know what search terms are used when the site comes up in a search). In very general terms you are looking for websites with a traffic rank between 1 and 100,000.

2. Examine the Website: Quality Content: Does this website offer the reader valuable content or does it look like the Las Vegas strip with a flood of blinking and flashing banner ads?

3. Place Your Banner Advertisement

a. Step One: Understanding Advertising Rates: Most websites post a “rate card” on their site letting potential advertisers know how much they charge for advertising space.

b. Second: Understanding Placement: Without question you want to be “above the fold”

c. Step Three: Start Small: While you may be pressured for a long-term contract at a “special rate”, it is always advisable to start with a smaller budget for shorter time period.

d. Step Four: Submit Banner

This is how to be successful with banner advertising in 1000 words or less. Again banner advertising can be quite profitable as long as you use this technique to the letter. If you start throwing money at it like you are the craps table in Vegas, you will not be successful. Do your diligence, take your time especially at first and go make some cash.

To your success

Ghyslain Lefebvre is a skilled professional marketer on the internet

How to Leverage Banner Advertising Properly

In this article we will learn about banner advertising, so first off, what is banner advertising? A web banner, or a banner ad, is a type of advertising on the internet. Basically, your ad will be displayed on a web page in form of a banner, with the main purpose to attract prospects to clicking on that banner. When your banner is clicked, they are automatically brought to your website, to be most effective, banner advertisements are usually placed on web pages that are known for having interesting and unique content.

Alright, getting into it, your ease of set up is going to be around the moderate level, so not to difficult, not to easy. Your looking at about less than three hours for setup time, minimal maintenance, and about a moderate level as far as speed of results. This is a paid form of advertising, your cost will vary between advertisers. There are two factors that generally are going to effect the cost of a banner advertisement, the website’s traffic level, and the placement of the banner within the website. Banner advertisements can be very effective, because you can pretty much pick and chose your targeted audience, and can also provide you with a nice flow of consistent traffic.

Here are some Basic First Action Steps:

1. You must get familiar with the Terminology

Impression- every time that your banner loads on a website, in other words is shown on a website, will be considered a impression.

Click- When someone clicks on your banner ad, it will be counted as a click.

Conversions- A conversion is when someone becomes a lead after going to your site and opting in.

CPM- CPM is Cost Per Thousand, this measures how much you will pay for your banner ad, you will find that sometimes you may be charged on a CPM basic level, all this means is you are being charged for impression, not for the click. You are going to want to chose sites that you pay between $2.00 to $2.50, that will be ideal, stay away from the sites that charge 4 to 5 CPM, some sites are even charging up to $15 CPM, you can see how a snake in the grass can bite you.

CPA- CPA is Cost Per Action, this will measure how much you will pay for your ad by the actions taken. A action will be either considered a click, or a impression, if a site is using a CPA basis, then you will pay for a actual click, that is ideal rather than paying for a impression.

CTR- Your CTR is your Click Through Rate, this is your ratio of impression to clicks, just to give you a example of that ratio, if you had 1000 impressions of your banner ad, and 10 people clicked on it, your ratio would be 1%.

Cost Per Conversion- Cost Per Conversion is going to be how much it cost you to get a lead, for a example, if you spent 30 dollars right, and you got 8 leads, than that would make your cost per conversion $3.75.

Publisher- Publishers are going to be the websites that allow your banner advertising.

Advertiser- You are the advertiser, just have to make sure you know.

2. You are going to want to Research Websites

Its is very important for you to know how websites are making their money so you can realize your opportunity through them. Most sites are out to either make a profit, or cover their websites hosting and maintenance fee. You need to examine these sites to see if they are either selling advertising space, selling their product or service, or a combination of both. You need to track your website research with a list to make it easier for you. To get a idea of websites you want to look at, start by looking at websites and blogs that you look at a lot, and see if they have any banner advertisements on them. If they do, you are going to want to add them to your research list, if they are not, you can scan over the website and see exactly how they are making money, if they are making another form of profit, you can add them to your list as well, or just move on.

Now you must choose your target market, this can be anything, whatever group and audience you are targeting will be the sites you will want to be advertising on. You can Google keywords of your target market and go to sites, not the sponsored websites, but the organic results, and see if they are offering banner advertising.

You can use a website called Alexa to find out a whole bunch about a website you are researching to help you with your website research, you must do your research like anything else, you do not want to just go out there and post a banner ad on the first site you land on with out making sure the site is legit, the cost is ideal, etc, do not always worry about being the fast fox, the slow turtle usually always wins in most cases, so compile your research, and then take action. Remember to, you are looking for sites with quality content, unique, does it provide value to readers. Also you want to make sure that the site you chose will attract viewers you want, and that your ad is similar to their reason for being on the site, this way your results will be maximized.

3. Now lets talk about placing your Banner Advertisement

Ok, this is a valuable key to remember, when your looking at advertising rates, or what the publisher is charging for advertising space, do not be quick to pay the published rate like most people will do. You can actually call the website owner, webmaster, or the advertising manager, and negotiate the price, most websites will reduce their price by 40 to 50% of the published rate, that is most significant, why pay more if you do not have to?

You must understand placement of your ad, very important, always be above the fold. What that means is, the top portion of the website that you see in your browser, always do this for optimal performance, a impression will still be counted even if you advertised below the fold and they never scrolled down and saw it, so choose wisely but I always recommend above the fold.

I also would advise to start small in your budget when doing banner advertising, you know if you do Google pay per click, you should know that your budget needs to be high to get the best results, this is different. You will probably be pressured into some long term deal at a special rate, just tell the website owner that you are testing out this banner, if you start to see good results, than you will consider it further, that will get you out of any selling they will try to do.

You will get all your links, artwork, anything you need from the website, to get your banner setup and running properly.

4. Track your Results

I will not say much about this, tracking your results is always best for determining cost per leads, and really making sure that you are getting the best return on investment.

One more tip before I end this article, if you can get your ad to blend in really well with a site your advertising on, and the site is a high volume traffic site, you feel you are going to get some really good results with it, then try to blend it in as best as possible. This can be really effective, people may even think your banner is part of the site.

Well that is what you need to get out there and start leveraging banner advertising, to bring more traffic to your site, and produce more leads. Do your research, just don’t jump into the race, be positive you have found a good spot, the right targeted traffic, and you are paying a ideal price.

Charles K Walker is currently serving in the United States Co

General Points of Banner Advertising

Banner advertising is one of the oldest forms of Internet advertising. The advantages of this method of advertising for the site were most evident in the early era of Internet advertising. The first banner ad campaigns were quite primitive – simple manual exchange of non-standardized advertising images with links between webmasters.

After some time, there have formed standard sizes for banners:

468 x 60 – big stretch, it is one of the oldest and most popular types of banners. These banners are supported by all banner exchange networks. The largest and most visible type of banner, allowing not only to attract attention and interest to the user, but also to convey sufficient information about the advertised site.

100 x 100 – “square banner.” Became popular as an option for placing a banner in the website navigation bars, but eventually got the status of the standard. Not supported by all banner exchange networks, but is quite popular with manual banner exchange.

88 x 31 – “button” – this banner exchange is very limited in supported exchange networks, particularly by large, but has become almost standard “de facto” in the exchange of banners and links.

120 x 60 – “small banner” – not available to all banner exchange networks, but they are quite common in the direct sale of advertising space on websites.

234 x 60 – “half a large stretching.” Situation is similar to the banner 120 by 60.

“The eye” is the banner of arbitrary shape with navigation elements.

These standards remain relevant today. With this standardization occurred the opportunity to build the most effective banner exchange network. Banner exchange networks have emerged as a logical consequence of the desire to simplify the webmaster banner exchange to “cross” advertise their resources. As a result, there has been created several mechanisms for the exchange standard of banners, acting on a “show other people’s banners on your site and we will show on your other sites.” Thus the profit banner networks formed and are composed of a certain percentage of impressions (usually from 10 to 30), which are allocated to the impressions of commercial (paid) banners, raised a banner network.

The first banner ads did not have any opportunities to target – show “all and for all.” However, in view of the unemployment market efficiency such advertising was high enough. The main indicator of the effectiveness of banner – CTR (ratio of impressions to clicks the user) was from 2 to 10 or even more percent. For comparison – in the current banner networks is considered a good indicator of CTR at 1 percent. Naturally, together with the growth of the market changed and banner ads, adapting to the requirements of advertising specialists. Today’s networks have extensive opportunities to target, often narrow specialization, as well as highly customizable displays. There is an opportunity to choose not only the desired theme sites, where you would like to see your banner, but their geography, display time, the type of operating system user, etc. All this has allowed banner networks to remain competitive enough.

Nevertheless, many experts prefer to manually ad paid banner placement on the resources that are considered promising in terms of getting targeted traffic. This method has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage – theoretically much greater efficiency than in the case of banner exchange networks and there is no need to allocate site locations

If in the case of banner exchange costs are practically zero (excluding the cost of manufacture of the banner) in the case of purchase displays in the network are measured in units of dollars per 1,000 impressions, in case of direct purchase banner space for the costs can be ten times more and not be measured in clicks or shows, and in time intervals. For example, $ 30 per day or $ 200 a month. However it is possible to return the money at the apparent failure of the campaign is not possible.

On the other hand, manual tracking and placement of banners can provide a higher CTR, but some sites allow and pay “per click”, whereby you only pay for visitors. You can call this method of advertising the most effective of all methods of banner advertising. True, it requires an order of magnitude larger budget than the use of banner exchange networks a

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